Sober Bikers United, Inc. Annual Dues Information
Dues are $30 per year per person beginning in March and are prorated at a rate of $2.50 per month.
The amount you pay is based on the month you join as seen listed in the table below.
After March and before January – Deduct from annual dues.
After December 31st but before March 1st – Add to annual dues.
*3yr ($75) and 5 yr ($125) Membership dues are available*
3 years $75.00 January $35 |
5 years $125.00 July $20 |
Offline: Use The Link at the TOP OF THE PAGE to print and mail Payment
* Make check or Money-order payable to “Sober Bikers United, Inc”.*
Membership Fees are accepted in U.S. dollars only.
– Thank You in Advance –